Coming soon, Delta AI!
What’s the next step up for NCSA after building the National Science Foundation’s most performant GPU-based supercomputer? Nothing less than an infrastructure designed specifically for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning research. Click here for a sneak preview of NCSA’s newest addition to the Delta complex.
How can I apply for time on the Delta supercomputer?
Allocations focus primarily on GPU applications and some CPU-only allocations.
What type of research projects does delta support?
Allocations focus primarily on GPU applications and some CPU-only allocations.
how powerful is the delta system?
Delta will greatly expand accelerated workloads across many science domains, especially those adopting AI-based computational methods.
Delta is an advanced computing and data resource supported by National Science Foundation and made possible through key partnerships with the Science Gateways Community Institute, ACCESS, University of Illinois School of Information Sciences and Disability Resources & Educational Services.